discerned (perceive by sight, sound or other sense) is a project that uses visual, sound and kinetic components to explore the relationship between the formats, experimenting with how they can invoke and direct the combined outcome. Images and audio recordings are made using a Nokia 930 mobile phone with its enhanced camera and microphone capabilities for immediacy and spontaneity of creation - both often produced at the same point - a kind of audio visual diary. The use of this website is also critical to the distribution and viewing of this work as it gives broad accessibility and facilitates the combined audio and visual delivery. The medium also allows for careful scaling to a similar size to a mobile phone screen, images with backlit luminosity and the use of a digital floating magnifying glass to emulate the outcomes of the finger zoom gesture of a mobile device, which allows the viewer to search for the close up detail contained within the image. The project started in November 2014 currently has no deadline and is expected to last several years to allow the body of work to grow. Not all images have audio yet but are still displayed here as works in progress until the right sound component is collected.
Note: audio will not automatically play when you visit a page using IOS and Android mobile devices due to inbuilt mobile ‘autoplay’ restrictions. Please use the Play button on each page to start the audio.
David Lockwood
David Lockwood is a Liverpool based photographer who has been active in both photography and photographic education since graduating from Staffordshire University in the 90’s. David is currently working as a photographer and course leader of a BA Hons Degree in Digital Imaging and Photography in Liverpool, England.
He has been working in the fields of photography, audio visual and digital imaging for over 30 years and his works vary from collaborative live stage performances to traditional print exhibitions and web based works, exploring the traditional representational nature of photography to the beyond photography digital agenda seen here. David has won numerous awards such as the AFAEP (Association of Photographers) Still Life award and North Staffordshire Arts Society Award. He has also exhibited in a wide variety of solo, joint and open exhibitions including the following; “Another Mind in Your Eye” touring exhibition and performance, ‘Standing Shift’ performance with photography, the National Trust’s “Ham House - Times Past and Present” and South Bank ‘Photo Show’ opens - you can find more examples of his work at www.dglockwood.com
David is also proprietor of ‘Nonpareil Books’ – online bookshop specialising in rare and collectible books and prints – http://nonpareilbooks.com
He can be contacted via personal e-mail at dave@dglockwood.com or his
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